Editorial Policy

Editorial Policy

Semen-Africa’s vocation is to provide its customers with support and global intelligence, integrating security, medical, economic, financial, diplomatic, operational and strategic specialties.

With this in mind, we strive to produce comprehensive, expertly researched articles with a pedagogical focus on key African business sectors.

To carry out this mission, each published article is reviewed by at least one specialist in the field, and improved if necessary.

First, we put ourselves in the shoes of a novice user and ask whether the article:

    • really helps the reader to obtain answers to high value-added questions on various topics on the African continent

    • use Semen-Africa’s tone of voice (formal, conversational) ;

We also optimize the form of the articles written and corrected before publishing them on our Blog.


Since its launch in 2020, Semen-Africa has built up a relationship of trust with its readers. Its ambition is to become an essential, independent resource by producing content articles, written by experts on the topics covered.

To achieve this, we aim to produce quality content on a regular basis, based on an editorial calendar. As a minimum, we publish :

    • an original article published every 4 to 6 weeks

In all cases, no third party has any impact on our editorial calendar and publications. This means that Semen Africa:

    • refuses all kinds of sponsored articles ;

    • refuses any remuneration for including a subject in its editorial calendar ;

    • refuses to promote a product or service in exchange for anything ;

    • refuses to modify its publications in order to change their recommendations ;

    • refuses any paid link exchange or placement.

We accept guest articles only if they provide real added value for readers. They may not be product placements or any other form of disguised advertising.

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