Social Responsibility

The volume of trade between the African continent and the rest of the world is constantly increasing. Numerous investments are giving substance to a real diversification of the economy. Financial flows circulate easily, enabling multinationals to easily repatriate profits made in Africa.
Our mission is to ensure that the prosperity thus generated benefits both foreign investors and local African populations. Through corporate social responsibility (CSR), we strive to reconcile these two objectives.
The ISO 26000 standard defines the scope of CSR around seven central themes: corporate governance, human rights, labor relations and working conditions, the environment, and fair practices,
consumer issues, communities and local development. Through these pillars, the company seeks to have a positive impact on society, but also to reduce its own vulnerability to adversaries.
In France, the PACTE Act of May 22, 2019 is a model in this area, as are certain articles of the Civil Code (1833 and 1835). Several African countries are adopting a similar legislative framework to comply with international standards. Local realities can make certain CSR pillars more or less impactful. Depending on the country and business sector, failure to comply with certain rules can have consequences that we address through monitoring, alerting, consulting and training.
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