SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH: A Pillar of Economic Progress in Africa

At the sixth summit between the European Union and the African Union in Brussels, the focus was on research and innovation as key drivers of development and cooperation in Africa. These areas are seen as catalysts for progress and are vital for tackling global challenges such as climate change, population growth and economic recovery.

Research is a strategic tool for African decision-makers, enabling them to align their national plans with economic and institutional realities. It is also crucial for development funding agencies in Africa, who rely on in-depth studies to adapt their projects to the specific needs of beneficiary countries.

Faced with desertification and the challenges of isolated rural areas, scientific research offers practical solutions for establishing sustainable development mechanisms. The International Congress on Desert Economics in Morocco, which brings together researchers from a variety of disciplines, aims to present relevant studies and formulate recommendations for African leaders and donors.

According to UNESCO, Côte d’Ivoire and Kenya, with their advanced scientific and technological bases, could become centres of excellence in science and technology education, making a significant contribution to African development and the evolution of continental infrastructures.

In Uganda, the government has allocated $8.8 million to research into the treatment of COVID-19, leading to innovations such as COVIDEX, mobile hospital tents and a disease notification system.

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